Creative Arts Parent Category
©2022 Aurendil, A Technology and Innovation Initiative – All Right Reserved. Designed and Developed by PenciDesign
Creative Arts Parent Category
I have a good feeling about this blogging thing. I actually find it quite relaxing to write down your thoughts on topics you like to talk about. The outline of…
When I first started meditating I needed some time alone to revise my thoughts.
Meditation for me is an open act of self restoration and self preservation for both my physical and psychological being. When Im meditating, the concentration is mainly on the wildest thoughts that come and go. Utilizing meditation has helped me control the temporal chaos in my mind. Every thought needs its time. Meditation gave them their time, and then they faded away. I give them the time and control them in a way, so they can never acquire true power to chain me to the past sorrows or to the future angst.
Aurendil is the birthplace of a new initiative of those who try to make the world a better place. Understanding and helping sustaining peace, developing structures to solve local and global problems are the main missions of this initiative.
©2022 Aurendil, A Technology and Innovation Initiative – All Right Reserved. Designed and Developed by PenciDesign